Homestead Income

Unconventional Ways to Earn Unlimited Income From Your Homestead

Making an income from your homestead so you can be home, living more of this amazing lifestyle you love, is the dream, isn’t it?

But making money from a homestead can be hard. General consumers don’t value the cost of homemade and homegrown goods like they used to.

Not with cheap produce and goods from overseas flooding the market. Even though they aren’t as good of quality.

Makes it kind of depressing doesn’t it?

You have this dream. You desire so urgently to be fully immersed in slow living and sharing the lifestyle with others.

But how do you make a full time income, from your homestead? Is it even possible? YES, it is!

Why Start a Business From Your Homestead

You get to live the simple life with your family all around you, every day. Tending to and eating off the land.

Have the time and freedom to work on the projects you want to, and not being a slave to someone else’s punch clock.

No need to ask for time off if the kids are sick, no need to plan your vacation time strategically. No more waiting for retirement to do what you want to do.

Work when you want to work, and do something that gets you excited roll out of bed each morning.

Have a business you can do with your partner and your kids; teaching them business and financial skills. Have a legacy business you can pass it down to them.

Serve and strengthen your community with your homestead business and know that what you’re doing helps others live this lifestyle too.

Have the income (and more) you need and want, without having to ask for a raise and be stifled by an earnings cap.

Earn unlimited income doing what you love.

Ways to Earn Unlimited Income From Your Homestead

There are two categories to earn an income from your homestead, conventional or more traditional route and unconventional, out-of-the-box route.

The Conventional Way of Earning An Income

The Conventional way is more your traditional route of what you think of when starting a business from your homestead.

Selling products made on your homestead like eggs, meat birds, veggies, CSA, crafts and DIYs, etc.

Trading your time for money and not always the best profit margins.

Now this route can sometimes work to create an income, but it’s very rare to make enough for a full-time income. Although you are putting in more than full-time hours!

Someone generally needs to have a full-time job to support the homestead, and you need a lot of space to scale.

With this route you only make as much income as you have time to produce.

Frustrated at work, exhausted
Frustrated and exhausted, putting in the hours for little return and lack of respect.

The Unconventional Way of Earning Income, Unlimited

How about earning an income from your homestead with unlimited earning potential?

Where income keeps coming in when you’re not even working? A business where you can sell to anyone in the world?

A job where your income potential can be unlimited?

Go digital.

Show people how to do what you do.
People are increasingly going online for education and skill-building.

Now, you can do in-person workshops still for your local community, but imagine the potential of film videos or tutorials and setting them up to sell them over and over on autopilot, to anyone in the world.

Freeing up your time, increasing your reach, and creating unlimited income.

Both strategies are a lot of work, both are learning new skills and take time to set up the necessary infrastructure.

But, which one will bring you the greatest gains?

It is the age of information.

What to Sell

So you’re seeing the potential with creating online content to create a business. Fantastic!

But what do you sell? How do you make an income?

1. Use your skills!

What do you do better than others – not everyone, but what do you find “less hard” than other people?

Something that is more enjoyable to you. This is a talent you have.

Those who have success in anything, find something they’re a little bit better at than others and focus on it.

They improve and use that talent until it becomes what the rest of us see as talent.

It is not luck, it is hard work.

Share that knowledge or skillset to help others.

white chicken with personality
Have chickens with personality?
Share them with the world!

2. Use Your Interests

You love something. So will others! Share your interests!

Talk about them, why do you like them, why that over something else. What attracts you to it. Where do you get more to satisfy this interest.

Let’s go through some brainstorming ideas so you can see what I mean.

Income Generating Ideas

You can really do anything. No market is saturated. YOU have a unique set of experiences and couplings of talents that no one else has.

Like chickens? Talk about chickens.

Enjoy giving gifts – create a craft zone with your gift ideas, labels, cards, tags, wrapping, etc.

Make wine – show people how.

Like drinking wine/coffee/beer – review it, educate people on flavours and nuances, growing techniques, etc.

Have kids and life is a shitshow? You know other parents can relate!

Like making bread goods? Go for it and teach others! #allthingssourdough

There is an area for you! It may take some time to narrow it down (we all love all the things, right?), but that’s ok! Explore, test, try, ask friends.

white ceramic mug on brown wooden tray
Motivational mornings.

Here are some areas to think through:

• What do you kinda have a handle on? Ie. Snacks + manners
• What do you suck at? Ie. Mornings
• What is humourous? Ie. Reading/seeing rundown of things kids say or do.
• What do you enjoy? Ie.) Exploring new books that fit our values.

• What do you have a handle on? Ie. Overwintering the flock.
• What do you suck at? Ie. Mucking out.
• What is humourous? Ie. Each chicken’s own personality.
• What do you enjoy? Ie.) Sitting with my morning coffee, watching them do their thing (uh, btw other people would LOVE to get to know your chickens this way!)

Making wine:
• What do you kinda have a handle on? Ie. Fermenting time.
• What do you suck at? Ie. Waiting
• What is humourous? Ie. Trying flavours/seeing if its ready
• What do you enjoy? Ie.) Exploring flavours

Gift Giving:
• What do you kinda have a handle on? Ie. Remembering birthdays, special occasions
• What do you suck at? Not going overboard
• What is humourous? Ie. The mess…
• What do you enjoy? Ie.) Coming up with creative ideas that make people feel valued and thought of – the smile and joy

selective focus photography of gray stainless steel condenser microphone
Start a podcast or online video platform.

Can you see some ideas formulating? There’s literally something for everyone.

If you like it, guaranteed there are going to be many thousands of people in the billions of people in the world who are interested in it too.

Choose Your Platform

So now you have some ideas and see the potential, but how do you get started and what method do you choose?

Whichever method, just start and keep going. Learn and implement. You will not be perfect or know all the things right away.

Do the work, get it done, and your life and business will transform.



Start a blog (Check out our How to Start a Profitable Blog series).

Create an online course (skillshare).

Create videos (youtube) – I recommend packaging them as a course if you can. Or spend you’ll need to spend the time crafting a following.

Podcast – share your thoughts, tips ie. All things chickens, personal goal setting, raising multiple kids in today’s world

Create digital products for an online shop like Etsy or create your own shop.

The Income Piece

Gather emails of your audience so you can market to them. Done is better than perfect.

Affiliate links: have a favourite tool or product, link it. Love a course, get an affiliate code to share.

Printables: have a worksheet, love quotes, games, tips – anything that can be an easy reference or handy tool to print out.

Product: ebook, workbook, guide, pattern, etc.

Course: video or text or combo

Service: consulting, coaching, doing for people

person holding black e book reader near pile of firewood
Write an eBook to teach others.

These would also be great opportunities for homeschoolers as a target market. Courses or books the students can use to learn new skills.

Or if you have a homeschooler, another way for them to learn and grow by setting up a business.

All of these income channels can be utilized through any of the methods listed above.

Start Today

You can get started right now, today!

I bet you’ve already started thinking of ideas. Go after them!

Start collecting people who want what you enjoy.

Set up an email list and create a free item that shares some of what you’re offering.

Follow the instructions in this post How To Start A Profitable Blog Series, Part 2: Define Your Audience and Reel Them In.

Now is the best time to start an online business to secure your family’s future.

If you have an idea you want to share or talk out with me, send me an email, I’d love to hear from you!!

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