Natural Remedies

How to Declutter Your Toxic Products – the decluttering you should be doing

When you think of decluttering it usually brings to mind getting rid of the excess you don’t use anymore (or never have). But what if I told you if a different, more productive, lifestyle changing decluttering technique?

One that has the biggest impact on your health (who would have thought, right?), both physical and mental.

I’m going to walk you through the decluttering you should be doing and why, where to start first, and how to Get. It. Done.

The decluttering you should be doing

Forget the thoughts of excess. Yes, that is a good tactic to get rid of things but it’s not going to radically change your life.

The decluttering you should be doing will end up saving you time and money in the long run, and have a big impact on your health.

I’m talking what of your stuff is actually good for you and your home, and what stuff that’s not only bad, but never should have crossed the threshold.

From this point forward, you are the gatekeeper to your home. You get to decide what comes in and what stays out. What adds enough value to your family that it is worthy of you hard earned money.

This is where you get to empower yourself and your family. No more falling for smooth Must-Have marketing tactics. You are in control now.

The decluttering you should, and now will, be doing is getting rid of all of your toxic chemical products.

Yes, household cleaners, lotions, soaps, makeup, baby creams and even toys. Plastics, aluminum bakeware, even paper products.

I say this with love and I’m speaking from experience. Do this decluttering!!

It makes me want to cry. The responses I get from people gone through this “Toxic Decluttering,” as I call it, are so empowered and grateful. Their lives are forever changed, for the better.

My family did a massive overhaul because of the big C. Don’t wait until then.

Why the spin on decluttering?

When we usually declutter, we just get rid of excess thinking it will help us focus and feel less chaotic. Give us some breathing room to get a handle on life and somehow make it run smoother.

But it never seems to, right? The feeling never lasts, the focus never seems to come.

Well that’s because you’re not decluttering the right things. You’re focusing on the symptoms and not treating the cause.

The cause is all of the toxic chemicals that are being brought into your home.

The laundry detergents and fabric softeners that are off-gassing for years into the air you breathe. The neurotoxins, developmental toxins, the skin irritants, the digestion and hormone disruptors.

When you start to learn what’s in your products, and move them out, you almost instantly see the impact. More focus, better sleep, less colds, lost weight, better moods, sex drive, motivation, and you can finally get pregnant.

It’s a slippery slope of awesome! And it all begins by shifting to a mindset of “Toxic Decluttering.”

what’s in your products and how its impacting your health

They’re silent but deadly. Slowly poisoning you over time, and I’m not exaggerating by that.

Green cleaners aren’t all that green.

The most frustrating thing when trying to toxic declutter and replace your products is finding out what you thought was “greener” is actually just a higher priced marketing scheme.

You see, words like “natural,” “green,” “100%” have no backing behind them. There are no hard and fast rules as to what has to be included in order to use that label.

That means companies can use them at their discretion to capitalize on a growing market of concerned consumers. You have to research and call the company to find out what’s really in their product and how they source it.

Nowadays products come in green or brown wrapping, sometimes with lavender fields or pictures of water or clouds.

It appeals to the environmentally friendly part of our minds. Slap an “all-natural” on the label and Bob’s your uncle.

But not you. No, you see right through that. You know. And you want better than that.

You don’t want to pay a higher price tag for something that isn’t true to its marketing. You don’t want to be buying multiple bottles with the same formula.

You want something cost-effective, that’s good for the environment, from a company that fights for safer products and educated consumers. And most of all, you want a product that lives up to its hype.

Me too.

Separate into zones

The first thing to do is to separate your home into the most toxic-filled rooms or areas.

The two biggest zones for toxic product use are the kitchen and laundry room.

The biggest area with the most things to change is the kitchen.

The room with the most toxic products is the laundry room. You want to stop the continual off-gassing of those toxins ASAP.

Then comes the bathroom and medicine cabinet.

Go through your heavy hitters. Look them up on and see what they rate as. If they aren’t an A or at least a B, they need to go.

Kitchen – the biggest overhaul in the heart of the home. The pulse needs to be cleaned up.
Laundry room – the most toxic room
Bathroom – the daily personal care products
Medicine cabinetHow to Stock a Natural Medicine Cabinet

Don’t do this

Don’t donate, just toss.

If you don’t want it in your house anymore, don’t give it away to unsuspecting lived ones. Even if they want it. Educate them instead.

And when you toss, ensure that it’s not down the drain. Those are environmentally toxic products that our “purification” systems can’t get rid of.

Instead it goes into the waterways and poisons the environment we live and grow our food in.

You need to take it to the toxic waste disposal for proper disposal. Spend the time and do it right.

Speaking from experience, rather than using up what you have before buying something non-toxic, put it in a cupboard.

That way you don’t have to go buy a new bottle of whatever if you find your alternative isn’t working for you, you can just use what you have stored away.

Where to start

Your cleaning products.

We spend on cleaning products. About $600+ annually infact and 2020 just skyrocketed the household cleaning product industry.

The thing is, many of those cleaning products are pointless.

It’s the same formula, just bottled in the same bottle and called something different. Same toxins, different use.

And they’re TOXIC! “Small amounts” of continual exposure actually means big amounts of toxic burden.

That’s a lot of money wasted, and time trying to find the right one for your needs. What if you have hard water that’s a b*itch to clean.

I have saved buckets of money on cleaners since going non-toxic. Now, all of our cleaning products come from one concentrated cleaner.

Its $20 for a bottle and it lasts me over a year. I can make any product I want, in the strength I want.

My favourite is this scum scrub I make. It gets rid of everything! From stains on clothes to hard water marks on shower doors and faucets. I love, love, LOVE it!

I got this cleaner to see if it worked, and it did (um, blood disappearing before my eyes??!). With no problems! Grease, stains, blood, wine, mystery gunk and even red permanent marker in a white top!

After about 2 months of it handling everything I threw at it, I bought the rest of the cleaning line – laundry soap, dish soap, hand soap and fruit and veggie wash too. One fell swoop.
My cleaning supplies are so minimal now they fit in one cute little caddy! Toxic decluttering ✅

The one-two punch

I’m all about effective shopping.
You can tackle swapping all of your cleaning supplies with one swap. Laundry room, cleaning closet, kitchen cleaning and bathroom cleaning.

Just like I did, with the Thieves line.
These are the products my family has been using for over 6 years. I’ve tried so many natural products and nothing even compares. We go through it so fast and it doesn’t do nearly as good of a job.

I wouldn’t share anything I didn’t love and wasn’t tried and tested by me first to the point of loving it enough to know others need it too. I’m not that kind of person.

I fully share with you that this is an affiliate link. My family is supported by you detoxifying your home (yay! Piano lessons! Thank you!).

You will also be getting a personal email and support from me with my favourite tips, tricks, recipes and uses.

You’ll now have replaced your fabric softener, laundry detergent, dryer sheets. No more toxic off-gassing into the air you breathe or absorbed into your skin.

Your dish soap, hand soap, veggie wash, and dishwasher soap are all now good for the environment, safe for your kiddos and pets, and you can clean without a hazmat suit (or even rubber gloves!).

And I won’t tell you anything different because I’ve tried it all. I’ve had friends who have tried so many different products then fell in love too when they tried Thieves. 6+ years, kids, grubby yuck and I wont go back. Same with so many other moms I’ve helped switch over.

It checks all the homesteading tenant boxes. You want something that meets the tenants of homesteading: good for environment, DIY, save money, use less water, energy, good for septic, plant-based

The cheat sheet

• Ya got to declutter the toxins
• Going green isn’t greener
• Don’t pass it on, hold onto it
• The cleaning supplies – one stop flip with Thieves

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